Introduction to Awards Ceremony 2018

Make a Donation.

• Go to 2018 Photos to see photos of the awards ceremony.

• Read the Class Day 2018 Letters from the four winners of the 2018 alumni scholarship.

In some ways it’s the same each year….but then there is always something new…..something different, something special. It’s always emotional for me when I approach Irvington High on the morning of Class Day. I usually arrive a little early and watch the students walk up the front steps. They all look very nice with most in the IHS uniform of khakis and a white or navy polo shirt. I remember the fun we had on the same steps after football games!

We were led in the singing of the Star Spangled Banner by a wonderful singer from the Class of 2018. Assistant Principal John Amberg (who graciously hosted Ron Burke ’60 several years ago when he came from California to speak to student groups) then asked all those people who were giving scholarships to stand and be recognized. He asked the students to remember to also give back to Irvington High. Superintendent Dr. Neely Hackett then addressed the students reminding them that Irvington has a story. She urged them to write their own stories and to be the best that they can be!

The Irvington Block Association presents several awards each year. This year among their award winners was Senior Michael Bell who wrote a poem about the Parkland High School shootings. He read the poem and it was a very emotional moment for all of us in the auditorium.

ROTC continues to be a very positive presence at IHS. This year there were fifteen members of the Class of 2018 who served in JROTC for four years! All are either going to college or to serve in the Marines or Army! It’s a great track record for the program.

There were two wonderful dance performances again, which are always special …and the ceremony ended with the rousing singing of the Alma Mater!! We never sounded this good!

Consider coming next year to Class Day……it’s always special!!

-- Comments from Nancy Sieffert, officer of the scholarship committee.

A slideshow of the scholarship winners can be viewed at Ceremony 2018 Photos.

Notes from Awards Ceremony 2018

Each year we update our website and try to share with you the legacy that we are continuing by means of our scholarship program.  As you already know, we ask each class to contribute to this program and take pride in knowing that we are really "doing good" for future generations of students.  The scholarship committee has worked diligently to follow through with support, encouragement and pride in the program.  At the all class reunion that is held in June, members of the scholarship committee provide information on the progress of scholarship winners, their achievements and college experience.  So once again, the committee says a big "thank you" to all who participate in this program. Contributions can be made at any time, in any amount.  Check this home page (below) for donation information.  Remember, 100% of the donation goes to the scholarship program.

Make a donation to the "IHS Alumni Scholarship Fund".

You may use the button below to make a secure on-line donation to the "IHS Alumni Scholarship Fund". Please indicate your IHS Class Year as part of the PayPal information.

A Note of Thanks

To all of the contributors to this fund, we say THANK YOU. You are a part of this fantastic legacy.

We hope you are as proud of the scholarship program as your committee is and take pride that your contribution is fostering positive action. If you would like to send an additional donation at any time, please mail it to Nancy Sieffert, 1090 Sunny Slope Drive, Mountainside, NJ 07092. Checks should be made payable to the "IHS Alumni Scholarship Fund". Please indicate your graduation class year.