Introduction to Award Ceremony 2016
Also read Notes 2016 and Make a Donation

Every Class Day is emotional … Every Class Day is different. One thing that remains the same is that the students look great and are very positive and friendly!

The awards ceremony was hosted by Vice Principal John Amburg - who also hosted Ron Burke ’60 when he spent several days last year at IHS talking to various classes and clubs. The principal Sandra Boone-Gibbs and all the guidance counselors were very welcoming. You can definitely see and feel the concern and love that they have for the students.

This year we had 12 Alumni attend! (Joan Meyer Shannon ’55, Dr. Tom Panich ’56, Arthur “Sam” Sudfield ’57, Vic Petriella ’59, Ilene Barr Skolnik ’59, Clara Roth ’59, Gayton Albanese ’60, Jane Smakowitz ’60, Marty Jacobs ’60, Nancy Hetz Sieffert ’60, Lois Kirchgessner Sadowski ’66, Gloria Rose Guidera ‘59) Dr. Neeley Hackett, Superintendent of Schools , saw us in the hallway before we went into the auditorium and spoke to us about how appreciative the school is for all our support. She later thanked us all in her welcoming speech – calling us philanthropists and benefactors – and had us stand and be recognized! She told the students that we do what we do because we have come to be impressed with today’s Irvington High students. This is true!

JROTC presented the colors and then two singers sing the Star Spangled Banner as a duet….it was beautiful! We were also treated to a beautiful dance by one of the seniors…this is something that I always enjoy!

I was happy that one of our scholarship winners – Emily Casseus – had a four year involvement with JROTC. She has also joined the National Guard. The JROTC director – Sgt Craig – has done a wonderful job with a large number of students. He has such positive energy and is so proud of all his cadets. I asked him to be in one of the pictures with our winners! One of our other winners – Jasmine Draughn – led us all in the singing of our Alma Mater which is always a great end to the ceremony. It made us all feel very proud to be from this wonderful school.

A slideshow of the scholarship winners can be viewed at Ceremony 2016 Photos.

Notes from Award Ceremony 2016

Some additional information on our four 2016 WINNERS of the 2016 Irvington High School Alumni Scholarship and Mentoring Fund.

This year the scholarship committee awarded four $1,000 scholarships, an expansion of the program due to the exceptional qualifications each applicant demonstrated in his/her high school career.  Scholarships are awarded for students planning not only to attend a four-year program, but a scholarship was also awarded for a student planning to attend a technical school accredited program.  The student recipients this year are: Jeff Moise, Jasmine Draugh, Emily Casseus, and Kamita Singh.  We couldn't be more proud of them...

They wrote notes of thanks to the scholarship committee and to all of you who participated in this endeavor.  Jasmine wrote "I will make the commitment to do well with the donor investment."  She included the comment, "I hope one day I will be able to help other students achieve their goal just as you have helped me."  The students will receive additional $1,000 scholarships during their academic studies if they maintain satisfactory grades. Your scholarship committee maintains contact with the winners during their college years (and in some cases, even beyond) and offers mentoring and/or assistance when appropriate.

IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL ALUMS…you did GOOD.  Really, you did GREAT.  We as a team have disbursed over $48,000 in scholarships to our high school students over the years – students who are a credit to their school, their families, their community, to our scholarship program, and they are all making a positive difference as role models.

Make a donation to the IHS Alumni Scholarship Fund

You may use the button below to make a secure on-line donation to the IHS Alumni Scholarship Fund. Please indicate your IHS Class Year as part of the PayPal information.

A Note of Thanks

To all of the contributors to this fund, we say THANK YOU. You are a part of this fantastic legacy.

We hope you are as proud of the scholarship program as your committee is and take pride that your contribution is fostering positive action. If you would like to send an additional donation at any time, please mail it to Nancy Sieffert, 1090 Sunny Slope Drive, Mountainside, NJ 07092. Checks should be made payable to the IHS Alumni Scholarship/Mentoring Fund (IHSasmf). Please indicate your graduation class year.